Located at the nexus of Central, Lan Kwai Fong, and SoHo, Knight on Wyndham offers everything you expect of any serviced apartments: Prime location Facilities & comforts Privacy & security &q
K物業地產 / 服務式住宅Knight on Wyndham

Located at the nexus of Central, Lan Kwai Fong, and SoHo, Knight on Wyndham offers everything you expect of any serviced apartments: Prime location Facilities & comforts Privacy & security &q
K物業地產 / 服務式住宅Knight on Wyndham

基本婚前健康檢查 No. Female No. Male 1. 體格檢查 Physical Check up 包括 : 查詢個人及家族病歷、計算體重、量度身高及血壓 1. 體格檢查 Physical Check up 包括 : 查詢個人及家族病歷、計算體重、量度身高及血壓 2. 全血計 CBC 2. 全血計 CBC 3. 鐵 Iron 3. 乙型肝炎表面抗原 Hepatitis B Surfac
S健康及醫療 / 身體檢查Silver Cross Medical Group

Quasicom Systems Limited,a VMware, Citrix and Microsoft systems specialist, helps organizations safeguard their IT infrastructure investments by providing innovative and production proven solutions d

Ks IT Consultant Limited offers full product development by our experienced team. We offer complete application analysis, design and production at affordable rates. We can expedite your request to be
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫榮發資訊科技顧問有限公司

Donnelley Simpson Cleary & Oehlers, a firm of M&E consultants offers a complete service for the mission critical IT physical environment as well as building services for hotels, industrial, i
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫迪致工程顧問有限公司

QAS 保安課程 3126 5111 老板呢排做優惠 $100 另誠邀 ( 物業管理 / 保安服務 / 清潔 及 其他 ) 合作 QAS 保安課程 3126 5111 $100 另誠邀 ( 物業管理 / 保安服務 / 清潔 及 其他 ) 合作 老板 3126 5111 呢排做優惠回饋比的有心做呢行既工友 --- 招有心創業的合作夥伴,不限資本及經驗只需有心就可以,有意請 電 31265111 O
物業地產 / 地產代理公司誠邀合作 6435 0435 (要有顯示,資料保密) 物業管理 保安 清潔服務QAS保安課程

您好,我的名字叫Raymond Chu Chun Hung,男,三十五歲,中英文良好,香港理工大學電子計算機科學工程學院(榮譽學士學位)文學士,本人是一九九八年度中國廣東省和香港特別行政區大學聯校互聯網系統程式設計比賽冠軍,本人是一九九九年度香港互聯網網頁設計比賽冠軍,本人有四年電腦軟硬件和網站網絡平台發展工程的工作經驗,以往曾在知名公司和機構如政府,香港賽馬會,上市公司工作(程式分析員)。 I

Wellness checks Wellness checks are our way of encouraging you as an owner to look at preventative medicine in a new way and not just rely on vaccination. Cats are notorious for masking their illness
9寵物 / 獸醫9 Lives Cat Hospital

"A Home is where your HEART is..." at Oasis It may be a cliche', but this is the inspiration and the thrust that this urban village wants to offer every family. The amenities offered by Oas

特選婦女檢查 1. 體格檢查 Physical Check up 包括 : 查詢個人及家族病歷、計算體重、量度身高及血壓 2. 柏氏子宮頸癌細胞塗片檢查 Pap smear 3. 念珠菌及滴蟲檢查 Trichomonas & Monilia (T&M) Smear 4 小便常規檢查 Urine Routine 另加項目: 1 衣原體抗體 Chlamydia antibody Sp
S健康及醫療 / 身體檢查Silver Cross Medical Group

女性癌症篩檢計劃 - 體格檢查 Physical Check up 包括 : 查詢個人及家族病歷、計算體重、量度身高及血壓 - 全血計 CBC - 紅血球沉降率 ESR - 甲種胚胎蛋白(肝) AFP (GI tract, Liver) - 癌胚抗原 (結腸) CEA (colorectal) - 鼻咽癌病毒抗體 EBV serology (NPC) - 癌抗原125 (卵巢) CA 125 (
S健康及醫療 / 身體檢查Silver Cross Medical Group

特選男士健康檢查 ( 傳染病組別 ) - 體格檢查 Physical Check up 包括 : 查詢個人及家族病歷、計算體重、量度身高及血壓 - 梅毒血清測試 VDRL - 淋病菌補體結合試驗 GCFT - 疱疹病毒二型抗體 HSV II antibody - 愛滋病毒 I 及 II 型抗體 HIV I & II antibody - 衣原體抗體 Chlamydia antibody
S健康及醫療 / 身體檢查Silver Cross Medical Group

特選男士健康檢查 (泌尿系統組別) - 體格檢查 Physical Check up 包括: 查詢個人及家族病歷、計算體重、量度身高及血壓 - 前列腺癌篩檢 -前列腺癌抗原 PSA (Prostate) - 腎功能測試 - 血尿素氮 Urea (BUN), 肌酸肝 Creatinine - 小便分析 - 小便常規檢查 Urine Routine - 泌尿系統檢查 - 泌尿系統X-光 KUB X-
S健康及醫療 / 身體檢查Silver Cross Medical Group

ITOS Resources aims to provide a wide range of IT technical supports and solutions to varies kinds of business and organization. By providing a single point of contact to clients for resolving all pr

Established in 2003, ETIC facilitates the transfer of e-business technologies developed by the University’s E-Business Technology Institute (ETI) to the market and has made significant progress
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫電子商業科技研究所

our extensive professional services include application development,internet/e-commerce enablement,as well as network design and implementation with particular focus on performance and security.
I手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫Itech Consulting Services Limited

Our Services In the last five years REDEV has syndicated more than 20 plazas in Alberta and Ontario to more than 2000 investors (as partners). REDEV has more than 25 years experience in real estate d

HATHA YOGA The most ancient , complete , and popular form of yoga for mental and physical health. [Effective from September-17-2 007] MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Enrolmen
A運動及健身 / 瑜伽Amico Studio
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